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Intro to content design training

I collaborated with another Senior Content Designer to create and deliver the BBC’s first content design training course: ‘Intro to content design’
In a word

The challenge

Our content design team is a small one, with just 6 content designers in a department of over 150 UXers. Naturally, that means there isn’t a content designer in every product team.

So we set about finding new ways to help our fellow UXers recognise and tackle problems like a content designer would, as well as feel more confident writing clear, accessible and consistent content.

How I approached it

  • developed a relationship with our service design
  • worked with colleagues from BBC academy to understand the process of getting an officially recognised training course ‘signed off’ so that anyone can apply through our learning portal
  • unveiled the course on an all-department call, reaching 85 sign-ups in 5 minutes
  • scheduled and ran our first pilot course to 15 participants, collecting qualitative and quantitative feedback during and after
  • developed a second iteration of the course, to be launched in September 2023

The result

After piloting our course to 15 people, we received overwhelmingly positive feedback and quickly iterated on it.

Since then, we’ve planned to start working through our course waiting list in September and after that, allow people from anywhere in the BBC to enrol through the BBC learning portal.

Where next?

James Cleaver © 2025